My lesson last night went really well. I showed up early and the person before me had cancelled so D gave me a 45 minute lesson. There was a lot of thunder happening outside, so we didn't do our usual short journey to the second indoor and staying in the one attached to the stables. There were two other instructors in there at the same time and three or four other riders. In previous times I had a lot of trouble with other riders, but we went over all the scenarios before starting and I managed to handle the situation!
We worked on a few things:
We worked on a few things:
- Posting trot without falling in at the corners
- At trot: Post one, sit two
- At trot: Post two, sit one
- Canter while passing another rider in the corner without falling in (basically cutting a corner without being sloppy about it)
- Jumping position down the long side at the trot - this was not pretty. I either stuck my butt out or couldn't balance. Something I need to keep working on.
- Canter to trot transition was not always pretty, either. I think the feeling of going from a smooth gait to a bouncy one throws me off for a couple strides.
downward transitions are the hardest! keep working on it... it's still something i'm working on too.